Tag Archives: Abs

Outsmart Your Genetics: Why Every Woman Should Do 100 Rep Sets at the End of Each Workout.

For most women, the quest for physical fitness has just as much to do with their aesthetic desires as it has to do with making healthy lifestyle changes.  When it comes to aesthetics, most women are seeking to do  2 things:

1.   fight the big BF:  BODY FAT, and

2.  “Tone up”

We go on every milkshake diet, try every workout, starve ourselves (well, you might, but I definitely don’t), pay for expensive surgeries like liposuction (let me know how that works out when the fat grows somewhere else) and a host of other desperate measures to fight BF.  And where are we most concerned about BF?  You guessed it:

1.  Abs

2.  Butts

3.  Triceps

4.  Calves (this is mainly for growth and definition as opposed to lose BF loss)

When none of these “miracle cures” work to achieve the goal, many women settle for the following:

“Well, I was never meant to be a small girl anyway”, or

“Well, my mom always had fat there, so I guess that’s just what is in the cards for me”,

and other assumptions along these lines.

Now in order to address this issue, I must first give you some background on how women are genetically affected by the BF issue.

The fact of the matter is that, for the average woman, BF will account for anywhere between 18% and 20% of her total body weight.  This is an evolutionary mechanism that is designed to help us sustain our ability to support a fetus during pregnancy.  Therefore, the BF is primarily distributed around the abdomen, the buttocks, the lower back, and the inner thighs.  And yes, there is evidence to show that some women hold more fat in these areas than others due to the genetic make-up and living climate of other female ancestors (but I will deal with this later in this post).

Additionally,  the fat distribution of women is according to our need for thermoregulation.  Why?  Because nature has decided that during intense periods of heat and cold, the species must be able to protect the woman, because it is through woman that child bearing occurs, and thus it is the offspring of woman that guarantees that the species will be preserved.

So then why even attempt to tone up those areas?  Doesn’t this mean that I’m just destined to be fat?


But you just said…

NO!!!!!  Your genetics do NOT have to determine your outcome.  Here is why:

Typically, when we have a weak area that is affected by genetics, that same area is also affected by the fact that there was not much work performed on that area during your youth (either through sports participation or some other form of fitness training).  Essentially what this means is that, while it may take a little more work to bring these areas up to speed, it is POSSIBLE!

So how do you do it?

Well, one of the most basic and effective strategies is to include 100 Rep Sets at the end of your workout.  This not only works to burn fat in those problem areas, but it also helps to develop some of those muscles that you would like to see more predominately.

100 Rep Sets?  What are those?

At the end of your workout, you should choose 1 or 2 problem areas and do 1 exercise for a set of 100 repetitions.  Doing this on a regular basis will increase your ability to recruit the muscles associated with that area while increasing your endurance to working that area.


There is research that shows that performing longer sets of exercise helps to tackle that BF that is directly in contact with that muscle.   Performing 100 Rep sets, also increase blood circulation to that area, which causes these muscles to respond more efficiently to consistent training AND


increasing the blood circulation to a specific area on a regular basis makes it more difficult for fat to accumulate around those muscles!

So, how do we implement this?

Well, here are a few examples of some 100 Rep sets you can perform at the end of each workout:

1.  100 Reverse Crunches

2.  100 Glute Bridges

3.  100 Tricep Dips  (If you use this one, MAKE SURE that you DO NOT intend to work your triceps during your next workout).

4.   100 Calf Raises

(Abs, Glutes and Calves can be worked in EVERY workout.  However, if you choose to use this technique another muscle group, like your triceps, or your shoulders, make sure that you do not have plans on working that muscle group in your next workout).

Just choose 1 or 2, based on your biggest problem areas, and perform them at the end of your workout.

How long will it be before I see results?

As with all milestones in fitness and body re-shaping, these things take TIME.  This is NOT a quick fix and so you must be willing to COMMIT to the process.  After about 4 weeks, you will notice that your problem areas will respond better to training.  With CONSISTENCY over several months, you will begin to see definition in the areas you choose to to work with this technique.

Try it and let us know how it works for you.

Stay Strong.  Stay Beautiful.



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