Attention! The Economy is Changing and YOU Probably ARE NOT Prepared!

*****Attention! The Economy is Changing*****

Technology is advancing at such a rapid rate that most of us can barely keep up with it anymore.

Whatever happened to all those farming jobs?
Technology happened.  The percentage of people who work in the farming profession has gone from 97% to a little over 1% of the total population.  With the decrease, went the jobs.

Remember the days when you would call the customer service number and talk to an actual person?
Well now, you call most phone numbers and you talk to a computer simulation of a person.  Computers have taken over customer service and many of the jobs that the customer service industry provides.

Don’t believe me?  Try calling the IRS right now.

Remember when we still had the Blockbuster stores?  Where is Blockbuster now?
Out of business.  Why?  Because many of us can now download and watch movies on our TV’s and handheld devices.
So, out went Blockbuster; and with it, all of the jobs that particular industry provides.

Look at some of the most popular companies.  What happened to the size of their sales forces?


Because technology now allows for us to purchase items online as opposed to going into an actual location, or having a salesperson arrive on our doorstep to sell us a product.

Yes.  Our economy is changing.

The other aspect of our economy that is quickly changing is the standard pay structure.  Due to the state of the economy, companies are now offering lower salaries, because there are people who are willing to work for less than you request in pay.

Additionally, along with this pay structure, comes a new metric.


Company executives are beginning to realize that by offering lower salaries and by enforcing performance metrics, the company will actually save money in the long run.  Why?

Because they no longer have to pay you for your time.  They can now pay you for your performance.

What happens when you meet you performance metrics for the month?

Well, your boss will just increase the standard for the next month.

Meet your metrics the next month.

Your boss will just increase your goal yet again, and this pattern will continue until you the metrics have been raised so high that it would be virtually impossible for you to reach them.

Don’t believe me?

Do some research.  It used to be the idea that Physicians graduated from Medical School making hundreds of thousands of dollars per year.  While this still may be true, to some extent, the salaries are not nearly as high.

In fact, in many hospitals, Emergency Room Physicians are given a lower salary, and then given incentives based on the number of patients they see in any given pay period.  They are told the bonus they received makes up for taking a lower salary.

If they don’t perform, they don’t get paid.

The economy is moving toward a more Performance Based pay structure because technology is advancing and, as a result, a lower number of actual human employees are needed.   So, performance-based pay structure works better for more companies because


and therefore,


And those who are hired will eventually have their performance goals set so high for them, that eventually each employee will cap out his or her own salary without the company having to do so, directly.

In order to survive comfortably in the upcoming economic future, you will need to do two things:

1.  Learn to perform and perform well.

  1. Create your own system or get involved with a system that allows you set YOUR OWN performance goals so that you have total control over your earning capacity.

This is the economic movement of the future.

Don’t take my word for it.  Simply take about an hour of your free time (assuming that you have that luxury, and if you don’t, it may seriously be time for you to consider your options), and do the research on your own.

Some of you will read this and begin to take action immediately.  Some of you will read this and continue to convince yourself that this economic movement could not possibly affect you because your industry is so unique….

Either way, believe it or not, this is the truth.

This is the economic movement of the future.

You can either prepare yourself, or be left behind.

Stay Strong.  Stay Beautiful.


****A’Stronger~U is a Physical and Financial Fitness Company***********

We provide Software Solutions, Tax Solutions and Physical Fitness Solutions to propel you to your next level in your journey towards Physical and Financial Fitness.  For more information on our services, please visit use the contact form below.  We look forward to working with you on your journey toward #BecomingAStrongerU.

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