Tag Archives: Billionaire

A’Strong Opinion on Faith

There is a law in the universe that says:

“The lack of use causes loss.”

In other words, if you don’t use it, you will lose it.

This law holds true for all things in life.  Athletic talents, professional skills, gifts of art…, but the same holds true for your faith.

Faith is not handed down as an inheritance.  It can not be sold or purchased.  It can not be given away as a gift.

Did you know that we are all born with faith in ourselves?  All of us were born with the ability to believe above and beyond where our minds can take us.  It is only as we grow through childhood and into our adulthood that we begin to believe that what we used to believe is unbelievable.

When a babies are learning to speak, they move their lips and use their voices to make noises in what seems as endless, unintelligible chatter.  However, the baby BELIEVES that he/she is communicating with you in a language that you understand.

Guess what happens?

As a parent, you begin to understand it.

Guess what else happens?

Eventually the baby learns to speak your language.  This is only possible because he/she BELIEVED that he/she could communicate.

Have you ever watched a babies learn to walk?

They get up.  They fall down.  They stumble.  They fall down.  They push up, they fall down.  They take one step.  They fall down.  They take two steps.  They fall down.  They do all these things, but you know what they DO NOT do?

STOP.  They simply never stop!

Guess what happens?

Eventually the baby will walk.  This is only possible because he/she BELIEVED that one day he/she would walk.

It is only as we grow older and life begins to happen that we lose our faith in our abilities to achieve the impossible.

You try something and it doesn’t work, so you quit.

You believe something and it doesn’t happen, so then you begin to believe that your beliefs have no value and therefore there is no use in believing anymore.

And when we stop believing, our abilities to have faith become hindered.  When we stop believing, it becomes harder and harder for us to believe again.

Understand this.

Faith is like any other tool that we have.  It must be utilized.  It must remain sharpened.  It must remain cultivated.   Otherwise we will lose our ability to use it.

Faith is not inherited.  It must be cultivated every day.

Stay Strong.  Stay Beautiful.



****A’Stronger~U is a Physical and Financial Fitness Company***********

We provide Software Solutions, Tax Solutions and Physical Fitness Solutions to propel you to your next level in your journey towards Physical and Financial Fitness.  For more information on our services, please visit use the contact form below.  We look forward to working with you on your journey toward #BecomingAStrongerU.

Attention! The Economy is Changing and YOU Probably ARE NOT Prepared!

*****Attention! The Economy is Changing*****

Technology is advancing at such a rapid rate that most of us can barely keep up with it anymore.

Whatever happened to all those farming jobs?
Technology happened.  The percentage of people who work in the farming profession has gone from 97% to a little over 1% of the total population.  With the decrease, went the jobs.

Remember the days when you would call the customer service number and talk to an actual person?
Well now, you call most phone numbers and you talk to a computer simulation of a person.  Computers have taken over customer service and many of the jobs that the customer service industry provides.

Don’t believe me?  Try calling the IRS right now.

Remember when we still had the Blockbuster stores?  Where is Blockbuster now?
Out of business.  Why?  Because many of us can now download and watch movies on our TV’s and handheld devices.
So, out went Blockbuster; and with it, all of the jobs that particular industry provides.

Look at some of the most popular companies.  What happened to the size of their sales forces?


Because technology now allows for us to purchase items online as opposed to going into an actual location, or having a salesperson arrive on our doorstep to sell us a product.

Yes.  Our economy is changing.

The other aspect of our economy that is quickly changing is the standard pay structure.  Due to the state of the economy, companies are now offering lower salaries, because there are people who are willing to work for less than you request in pay.

Additionally, along with this pay structure, comes a new metric.


Company executives are beginning to realize that by offering lower salaries and by enforcing performance metrics, the company will actually save money in the long run.  Why?

Because they no longer have to pay you for your time.  They can now pay you for your performance.

What happens when you meet you performance metrics for the month?

Well, your boss will just increase the standard for the next month.

Meet your metrics the next month.

Your boss will just increase your goal yet again, and this pattern will continue until you the metrics have been raised so high that it would be virtually impossible for you to reach them.

Don’t believe me?

Do some research.  It used to be the idea that Physicians graduated from Medical School making hundreds of thousands of dollars per year.  While this still may be true, to some extent, the salaries are not nearly as high.

In fact, in many hospitals, Emergency Room Physicians are given a lower salary, and then given incentives based on the number of patients they see in any given pay period.  They are told the bonus they received makes up for taking a lower salary.

If they don’t perform, they don’t get paid.

The economy is moving toward a more Performance Based pay structure because technology is advancing and, as a result, a lower number of actual human employees are needed.   So, performance-based pay structure works better for more companies because


and therefore,


And those who are hired will eventually have their performance goals set so high for them, that eventually each employee will cap out his or her own salary without the company having to do so, directly.

In order to survive comfortably in the upcoming economic future, you will need to do two things:

1.  Learn to perform and perform well.

  1. Create your own system or get involved with a system that allows you set YOUR OWN performance goals so that you have total control over your earning capacity.

This is the economic movement of the future.

Don’t take my word for it.  Simply take about an hour of your free time (assuming that you have that luxury, and if you don’t, it may seriously be time for you to consider your options), and do the research on your own.

Some of you will read this and begin to take action immediately.  Some of you will read this and continue to convince yourself that this economic movement could not possibly affect you because your industry is so unique….

Either way, believe it or not, this is the truth.

This is the economic movement of the future.

You can either prepare yourself, or be left behind.

Stay Strong.  Stay Beautiful.


****A’Stronger~U is a Physical and Financial Fitness Company***********

We provide Software Solutions, Tax Solutions and Physical Fitness Solutions to propel you to your next level in your journey towards Physical and Financial Fitness.  For more information on our services, please visit use the contact form below.  We look forward to working with you on your journey toward #BecomingAStrongerU.

Your Customers are Human, Before They are Customers

“I would rather walk the sidewalk in front of a man’s office for two hours before an interview than step into his office without a perfectly clear idea of what I am going to say and what he-from my knowledge of his interests and motives-is likely to answer.”

~Wallace Brent Donham, Former Dean of Harvard Business School, 1919 – 1942

When attempting to convince a person that your product/service is worthy buying, there are many aspects of that person’s life and experiences that you must consider.

Wait a minute?  Why should I have to take time out to understand a person before I try to sell my product?  I have a great product.  My service has value.  If you can’t see that, then it’s your loss, not mine.  Right?


What you must consider when prospecting customers for your product or service, or partners for your business or network marketing opportunity is this:

Your prospect already believes that he/she is doing what is currently right for him/her.  Your prospect already believes that his/her CURRENT products/services are best for him/her.  If your prospect believed that your product, service, or opportunity was the BEST decision, then he/she would ALREADY be a customer or partner and THERE WOULD BE NO NEED TO SELL.

You must consider this basic fact.

Your prospect is a PERSON.  Your prospect is HUMAN.

Why does this matter?

This matters because, as humans, the decisions that we make (or don’t make for that matter). in most cases, tend to be influenced and/or directed, in part, by our previous experiences.  When faced with a decision, we often consider past events,


Many times, we use our experiences as a means by which we may predict our future success (regardless of whether or not doing so is the proper way to predict success).  If we have had positive experiences with a thing, then we tend to make decisions in the affirmative.  When we have had negative experiences with a thing


when we are connected to OTHER PEOPLE who have had negative experiences with a thing,  we tend to make decisions in opposition.

What does any of this mean and why does this matter?

Well,  you must understand this:

For every decision your prospect makes, there is an UNDERLYING REASON.

In order to obtain success in sales you must be able to identify this fact, and from here you must put yourself in the shoes of your potential customer or prospect.   You must take the time to study your prospect pool.

What kind of people is your pool comprised of?  Where do they live?  How do they normally spend their money?  What are their financial priorities?  What are their struggles and areas of opportunity?  Where and with whom do they socialize?  What groups are they a part of and what importance do you think these groups hold for them?

And so on…

Find out the answer to these questions, and then try to put yourself in your prospect’s shoes BEFORE pitching your product/service or business opportunity.

“This is a bunch of bull..”

No it’s not.  You know what this is called?


How do you think you have been convinced to buy things?  What channels do you watch on television?  Who do you think those commercials are targeted after?  How do you think these companies determined how to formulate these commercials?


How do you think Facebook determines what ads you see on your news feed?


So, what do you think you should add to your repertoire of skills to help increase your success in sales?


Does this take additional time?


Will this additional time be worth the wait?


If you want to be successful in business, sales, marketing and prospecting, you must understand that there is a human factor involved and you must learn to master and harness this variable for the benefit of your business.

What better way is there to connect with your prospects than by actively putting yourself in your prospects’ place, anticipating their potential rejections, and then being able to overcome those objections through a deeper understanding of what it would be like to walk a mile in their shoes?


**For more information and training on prospecting, business building and lead generation, you can visit the following website:


**For information on a FREE opportunity that will allow you to earn additional capital so that you can increase your marketing budget, visit the following website:



****A’Stronger~U is a Physical and Financial Fitness Company***********

We provide Software Solutions, Tax Solutions and Physical Fitness Solutions to propel you to your next level in your journey towards Physical and Financial Fitness.  For more information on our services, please visit use the contact form below.  We look forward to working with you on your journey toward #BecomingAStrongerU.


Sometimes, You Just Need Someone to Speak Into Your Spirit

I woke up this morning, not on my own free will. You see, for the last week or so, my body has automatically awakened me somewhere between 2:45 and 5:30 in the morning. No matter how late I go to bed. No matter how many times I go back to sleep. At about 2:45 in the morning, I wake up, I look at my clock and I try to go back to sleep. From that moment, I wake up every 20 minutes.

So, today, at around 5:30 in the morning, I decided to give in. Even though I was tired and sleepy and I wanted nothing more, at the time, than to just stay in my bed,

I woke up, said my “Thank you’s”, made some breakfast, and went to work. Reading. Watching. Note-taking. Studying. Re-evaluating. All this in search of the answer to 2 questions:

1. What is my Gift?

2. How can my Gift, whatever it is, add value to the Universe?

2. When I do find my true Gift, how can I use my Gift to get Rich?

(Yeah, I said it. You can be all self-righteous and live in your false world of self-denial if you want to, but I want my Maserati!)

Then I came across a video seminar, completely by accident. When I clicked on the video, I did so with the intent of determining what new skills I could learn from the content, so that I could give to other people, but teaching those skills, in the hope that maybe,

one day,

my gift would make room for me.

About 5 minutes into the video, I realized that I had taken no notes. About 15 minutes into the video, I started feeling choked up. After about 30 minutes, I was in tears.


Because, I realized,

That I what I originally thought was supposed to be a business training seminar (because of the host), was actually a dream building seminar. As a result, the words did not speak to my intellect,

they spoke to my spirit.

It was then that I realized something else.

For the last week, I have been unable to sleep, not because there was something physically wrong with me,

but because there was a calling in my spirit. There was something that my spirit needed to be fed and she refused to allow me to be comfortable in my sleep until I had given it to her.

I realized that when I was sitting up, struggling, wanting nothing more than to be in the comfort of my bed, irritated because for the “ump-teenth” time, I had been unable to sleep,

there was a divine connection that had to be made. I was SUPPOSED to misread that title. I was SUPPOSED to find that video, even if it happened (or at least I thought so) by accident.

Your spirit is your Life Force. Everything that you have the potential to be must birthed through your spirit. Just like a child being carried in his/her mother’s womb, that potential must be fed. It must be cultivated. It must be provided with all of the necessary nutrients and

it is intended to be carried and birthed full-term.

The same way we feed our minds, the same way we feed our bodies, the same way we seek to feed our bank accounts,

so must we feed our spirits as well.

And so today, I encourage you to,

Take time out and find a book, a seminar, an audio, a video, or even a friend to speak to you,

not to your intellect,

but to speak life into your spirit.

So that you may birth the dream, the vision, the mission, that lies

WIthin You.

Stay Strong. Stay Beautiful.






Our YouTube Channel is Up!!!!!!

Hey there everybody!!!!

Our YouTube Channel is finally up and our first video has already been uploaded.

[CLICK HERE] to check out the ASU-Fit Burpee Press (Warning, there is no editing in the video.  Why?  Because I want you all to know that I am a REAL person!!!)  Enjoy!!

****A’Stronger~U is a Physical and Financial Fitness Company***********

We provide Software Solutions, Tax Solutions and Physical Fitness Solutions to propel you to your next level in your journey towards Physical and Financial Fitness.  For more information on our services, please visit use the contact form below.  We look forward to working with you on your journey toward #BecomingAStrongerU.




What You Need to Know Before Marketing On YouTube

Recently, I have received several messages with question about how to market and obtain business leads on YouTube.  This video explains a basic,concept that must set the foundation for your success on YouTube.  [WATCH IT HERE]:

Remember, this video only explains ONE concept.  There will be more videos in the future with more in-depth information.  However, note that you must first grasp and understand this one Foundation Building Concept, otherwise, everything else that you learn about using this marketing forum will be useless.

Enjoy the video and Stay Tuned For More!

Stay Strong.  Stay Beautiful.


****A’Stronger~U is a Physical and Financial Fitness Company*********** We provide Software Solutions, Tax Solutions and Physical Fitness Solutions to propel you to your next level in your journey towards Physical and Financial Fitness.  For more information on our services, please visit use the contact form below.  We look forward to working with you on your journey toward #BecomingAStrongerU.

Job Security. Good Luck with That.

So, I met a lady who has been fired from a company that she worked for for over 30 years.

30 YEARS!!!!

Things were great until the company started having financial problems. They changed management, and all of a sudden all of the people who were close to retirement couldn’t do ANYTHING right. Yep. Everybody who was close to getting that wonderful company retirement package. Some of these people had been at the same company for over 50+ years.


Yep. You mean to tell me that all of a sudden, these 30, 40, and 50 year-old company veterans didn’t know how to perform their company roles?  One by one, the new management picked them apart and one by one these men and women who had been loyal to this company for 15, 20, 30, 40, and even 50 years were “let go”, “fired”, “released” due to “lack of performance” or  some “company infraction” they’d all committed.  Really?

And you look at ME crazy when I tell you that I DO NOT and WILL NOT commit myself to working for another person 40 hours per week for 40 years of my life to hopefully retire on 40% of the little bit of money the company told me I was worthy enough to earn.

And you look at me like I am a spawn of satan when I ask for money for services I provide or knowledge that you request from me, because HOW DARE I decide that I am going to make my money through a non-traditional method that requires that I SET MY OWN PRICE and DETERMINE MY OWN WORTH.

These people ask you to stay late and work on unfinished projects – FOR THE TEAM.

They ask you to come in early and leave late – FOR THE TEAM.

They ask you to do all of this FOR THE TEAM, but where is the TEAM when the company decides that you are no longer worth what they are paying you.

Understand this:

Companies are in business to MAKE A PROFIT.

Not for you.

Not to help you provide a better life for your family.

Not to help you achieve your goals, dreams and desires.

Companies exist to MAKE MONEY.

And you are only as good to them as the last dollar you made them.

Say what you will about, job security, 401-k (which you can’t touch for 40 years without being penalized, and even when you do access it, you have no idea what the market value of those dollars will be 40 years from now), or insurance benefits,

I would rather make $10.00 working for myself on MY OWN TERMS, than make $1000.00 with someone else stepping on my head.

Yeah I said it.


****A’Stronger~U is a Physical and Financial Fitness Company***********

We provide Software Solutions, Tax Solutions and Physical Fitness Solutions to propel you to your next level in your journey towards Physical and Financial Fitness.  For more information on our services, please visit use the contact form below.  We look forward to working with you on your journey toward #BecomingAStrongerU.




You Are Right Where You Need to Be. Just Breathe.

So, lately, there have been times when I get this really “stuffy” feeling in my head.  It’s not really a headache.  It’s more of a weird discomfort that you can’t really explain.  This feeling comes along with other feelings of nervousness and anxiety.  Some would refer to this by stating “my nerves are bad”.  Sometimes, these episodes are also accompanied by chest pains or discomfort, tingling or numbness in the extremities, and an overall idea that I just “don’t feel good.”

Have you ever experienced this before?

Well, I finally decided that I would get to the bottom of whatever it was that made me feel so “weird”.  I started to pay more attention to myself, my surroundings, and situations that would occur prior to me having this “not feeling so good” feeling.

Then yesterday, I discovered something.

So, I was working from home on new methods to market my business.  I was reading, studying, experimenting, marketing, uploading, removing, completing follow ups……

When all of a sudden, I realized that it was 2:45pm.  Oh crap!  My oldest son has to be picked up from his summer program by 3pm and I live over 30 minutes away!  How did I miss the time….again?!  I frantically grab some shoes, my wallet and my phone and bolt out of the door.  I’m gonna be late to pick him up.  Yet again.

I’m driving and it seems as though every time I wanted to maneuver and change lanes, I would be blocked in by some driver with no place to go who thought it would be a good idea to speed up to make sure I couldn’t get into the lane, then slow down to about 20 miles per hour on the freeway.  Then my phone rings.  OMG!  Somebody that I absolutely DO NOT want to talk to because all she wants is to see how much she can get out of me without having to pay me for my services.  Grrrr…..

Then here comes that feeling.  My head is groggy.   My chest hurts.  My arms are tingly.  All of a sudden, I just “don’t feel good.”  Oh crap!  I’ve got another exam tomorrow.  Aahhhhhhhhh!  I swear to God, sometimes I feel like school gets in the way of learning.

I stop.  Wait a minute.  Why am I not breathing?  Are you serious?  I am really NOT breathing.  My stomach is so tense as if I am trying to squeeze my stomach into my back.

That’s when it hit me.

Oxygen is a HUGE component of our physiological system.  When the brain is experiencing a lack of oxygen, the body receives signals such as that tingly feeling, blurred vision and that overall “head grogginess”.  Some symptoms mimic those of an on-coming heart attack, but what is really happening is that the brain is BEGGING YOU FOR OXYGEN.  Why?

Because when we stress, we forget to breath.  Everything becomes a disaster, which makes us nervous, which then makes us anxious.  It is during this time that your brain begins to cry out desperately!  The brain is trying to protect you.  It’s saying “HEY YOU! Get me some oxygen here or we are all gonna go into a coma!!!!”

When our bodies don’t get what they need, our bodies have a way of communicating that in a way that makes us FEEL uncomfortable.  Your brain’s main priority is to protect itself as a means of protecting you and your brain will go through whatever measures are necessary, REGARDLESS OF HOW YOU FEEL ABOUT IT, to ensure that you are protected.

So the next time that old fart cuts you off on the road,

or you start to feel overwhelmed by that deadline,

or you realize you are running late and there is nothing you can do about it,

just stop.


And when you breathe, breathe DEEPLY and with PURPOSE.

Relax.  No matter what the circumstances are,

You are always right where you need to be.

So just breathe.

I hope this helps.

Stay strong.  Stay Beautiful.



****A’Stronger~U is a Physical and Financial Fitness Company********** We provide Software Solutions, Tax Solutions and Physical Fitness Solutions to propel you to your next level in your journey towards Physical and Financial Fitness.  For more information on our services, please visit use the contact form below.  We look forward to working with you on your journey toward #BecomingAStrongerU.


YouTube Marketing. It Works.

This video has over 4000 views on it and, by all standards, I am not considered a local celebrity.  [WATCH IT HERE]:

I share this NOT to get you to join WakeUpNow (although if you would like to do so, contact me), but to show you that I have been studying YouTube marketing in my off time and I am getting DAMN GOOD at it!  So, what’s my point?  If you know me, then you know me.

I know several people who are interested in having me market their businesses for them.  Guess what?  THEY SOUGHT ME!  What does that tell you?

Yep.  I’m on that note.  I HAVE NO LIMITS.


****A’Stronger~U is a Physical and Financial Fitness Company********** We provide Software Solutions, Tax Solutions and Physical Fitness Solutions to propel you to your next level in your journey towards Physical and Financial Fitness.  For more information on our services, please visit use the contact form below.  We look forward to working with you on your journey toward #BecomingAStrongerU.